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Jennifer Nelson

Dumb Poll

The latest Field Poll, paid for by the California Wellness Foundation, shows that 81 percent of California voters think government should be responsible for assuring all Californians get access to affordable health coverage. The issue of health insurance coverage is receiving more coverage in the papers these days since the governor announced that he will propose some major plan to deal with the state’s uninsured population.

Did the Field Poll or the California Wellness Foundation bother to ask the voters if they wanted to pay higher taxes in order to have government solve the affordable health care problem? Of course not! Schwarzenegger has been clear that he recognizes that Californians don’t want to pay higher taxes. Asking the voters if they wanted to pay higher taxes would have reduced the number of people who then wanted government to solve the problem, which, no doubt, the folks at the Wellness… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Chuck Quackenbush now Deputy Sheriff in South Florida

I’ve read some bizarre "Where are they now?" stories about the odd places that former notables in California politics end up, but this one takes the cake. With a h/t to Jordan Rau over at the Los Angeles Times Political Muscle Blog for finding the article that ran yesterday in the News Press of Southewest Florida has a story, From Poliitcs to Night Patrol: Former California Rising Star At Peace As Lee Deputy — all about Sheriff’s Deputy Chuck Quackenbush. Yes, the same Quackenbush who served in the California State Assembly, and for a time as California State Insurance Commissioner before scandal in his office caused him to resign from office. Apparently, after a sojourn with his family for some time to the Hawaiian Islands, Quackenbush has ended up in south Florida where he is, according to the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Republican Resolve… And Can Ackerman Hold Together GOP Senators To Stop CTA Leader’s Confirmation?

Today marks the official return of the State Legislators to Sacramento, as they prepare to start a new session, and prepare for the inauguration. This seems like a good opportunity for us to encourage unity of purpose within the Republican Caucuses in the Senate and in the Assembly, and our Republican Governor. You are literally all that stands between California taxpayers and massive growth in the size and scope of state government. We urge you to focus on the freedom and liberty of Californians — not on ways to use the government to take from some to give to others. The main stream media, the lobbyists, and Democrat leaders will all be trying hard to convince you to vote for more spending, more regulations, more rules, more mandates and more fees. Be strong, be resolute — and tell them all that enough is enough. California’s annual budget has reached staggering proportions — well over $100 billion annually. And this doesn’t count all of the bond spending on top of it. Enough is enough. We wish you all well in this challenge.

**Don’t miss the columns todayRead More

Jon Fleischman

Republican Resolve… And Can Ackerman Hold Together GOP Senators To Stop CTA Leader’s Confirmation?

Today marks the official return of the State Legislators to Sacramento, as they prepare to start a new session, and prepare for the inauguration. This seems like a good opportunity for us to encourage unity of purpose within the Republican Caucuses in the Senate and in the Assembly, and our Republican Governor. You are literally all that stands between California taxpayers and massive growth in the size and scope of state government. We urge you to focus on the freedom and liberty of Californians — not on ways to use the government to take from some to give to others. The main stream media, the lobbyists, and Democrat leaders will all be trying hard to convince you to vote for more spending, more regulations, more rules, more mandates and more fees. Be strong, be resolute — and tell them all that enough is enough. California’s annual budget has reached staggering proportions — well over $100 billion annually. And this doesn’t count all of the bond spending on top of it. Enough is enough. We wish you all well in this challenge.

**Don’t miss the columns todayRead More

Barry Jantz

Giuliani Playbook Left in Bathroom Stall?

You gotta love this stuff, especially if you appreciate city council campaign-level gaffes playing out at the national level. (I read it in the NY Daily News, so it must be true.) From the source:

It’s clearly laid out in 140 pages of printed text, handwriting and spreadsheets: The top-secret plan for Rudy Giuliani’s bid for the White House.

The remarkably detailed dossier sets out the budgets, schedules and fund-raising plans that will underpin the former New York mayor’s presidential campaign – as well as his aides’ worries that personal and political baggage could scuttle his run.

One page cites the explicit concern that he might "drop out of [the] race" as a consequence of his potentially "insurmountable" personal and political vulnerabilities. Read the entire article and the… Read More

James V. Lacy

De Lay to head his own new organization

Discussions between the American Conservative Union and former House Majority Leader Tom De Lay have apparently lead to a decision by De Lay to form his own new lobbying organization under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(4), to advance conservative causes. De Lay and ACU had previously committed to work together, but that is now apparently off the table, given De Lay’s decision to start a new organization from scratch.… Read More

Keep giving

Thanks to Dana Reed and his team at the political law firm of Reed & DavidsonLLP for the updated info on contribution limits per state law.

For 2007/2008 you can now give:

$24,100 to candidates for Governor $6,000 to other statewide candidates (I assume this includes Board of Equalization) $3,600 to candidates for state legislature $6,000 to PACs that support candidates (I think this is different from a pure independent expenditure committee) $30,200 to political party’s (for the purpose of supporting state candidates) UNLIMITED to state parties (for non-State candidate support) $390 in gift value to any decision making government official or staff member

However, I would encourage anyone who writes more than a couple political checks a year to keep in close touch with their favorite political attorney/treasurer to make sure you are not breaking any rules–putting yourself, your business and the candidates you support in a perilous situation.

Happy giving.… Read More

James V. Lacy

OC Lincoln Club helping Bustamante in Supervisor special

The first finance reports filed for the special election next February to replace State Senator Lou Correa (D) on the Orange County Board of Supervisors show Carlos Bustamante, Republican Councilman from Santa Ana (pictured to the right), with an early lead of $117,000 raised and $110,000 cash on hand. (I have previously reported that Tom Umberg, former Democrat Assemblyman, would enter the race with a potential financial advantage because of $45,000 in left over funds from his losing State Senate race to Correa, most of which is usable in the Supervisor race.)

But the Bustamante reports reveal a lot more than just his finances: names of Orange County Lincoln Club members dominated the report as giving maximum donations. You can expect that the Lincoln Club will surely endorse Bustamante for the position before the election.

According to the reports, contributors to Bustamante at the maximum amount included Lincoln Club leaders… Read More