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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Nunez Vote; CRP Races; Supervisor Brad; Big Budget; Bono’s Bad Vote

REPUBLICAN SENATORS: CAN THEY STAND TOGETHER? Today, Senate President Don Perata will bring up the confirmation vote for Joe Nunez to the State Board of Education. Nunez is one of the top public employee labor union hacks in the state, and actually served as Chairman of the organized union-led effort to sink all of the meaningful and importance reforms that the Governor brought to the voters in the special election of 2005. If you look up Joe Nunez in the dictionary, you will see that he is a total union political hack. Senator Jim Battin penned a post on this site urging his colleagues to vote no. Voting against his confirmation, which under state law takes a 2/3 vote, should be one of the easiest votes that a Republican in the Senate has ever cast.

But it isn’t just an easy "no" vote, it is an important one. At stake is the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Nunez Vote; CRP Races; Supervisor Brad; Big Budget; Bono’s Bad Vote

REPUBLICAN SENATORS: CAN THEY STAND TOGETHER? Today, Senate President Don Perata will bring up the confirmation vote for Joe Nunez to the State Board of Education. Nunez is one of the top public employee labor union hacks in the state, and actually served as Chairman of the organized union-led effort to sink all of the meaningful and importance reforms that the Governor brought to the voters in the special election of 2005. If you look up Joe Nunez in the dictionary, you will see that he is a total union political hack. Senator Jim Battin penned a post on this site urging his colleagues to vote no. Voting against his confirmation, which under state law takes a 2/3 vote, should be one of the easiest votes that a Republican in the Senate has ever cast.

But it isn’t just an easy "no" vote, it is an important one. At stake is the… Read More

UPDATE: Newly-appointed San Bernardino County Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt Issues Press Statement on His Swearing


San Bernardino County’s newest Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt issued the following statement upon his appointment and swearing-in as county supervisor for San Bernardino County’s sprawling First District:

SAN BERNARDINO – The San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors today voted to appoint Brad Mitzelfelt as First District Supervisor. The Board met this afternoon to consider the appointment and selected Mitzelfelt from an original field of 13 candidates, in which two semifinalists were interviewed today.

“I am honored and humbled by this appointment. I’m looking forward to working the hardest I’ve ever worked for the residents of the First District and San Bernardino County,” said Mitzelfelt after his appointment. “I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who has supported me and expressed their confidence in me.” San Bernardino County’s First District covers an area of over 17,000 square miles,Read More

Brandon Powers

What’s Next In San Berdu?

As my fellow bloggerAdam Alemanjust reported, former FR Blogger and Bill Postmus Chief of Staff Brad Mitzelfelt has officially taken a seat in the big chair, becoming the newest Supervisor in San Bernardino County.

That Brad was chosen over the other applicants is both a good thing for the constituents of the 1st Supe District and for conservatives at-large.

With the appointment now out of the way now though, all eyes turn towards the actual campaign for the seat next year.

The appointment process hasn’t historically lent itself kindly to re-election in SB. From what I can gather, the last successful appointee-turned-elected Supervisor was decades ago.

Even more pressingin the immediate thoughis whether Brad even has any intention of seeking election to stay on the Board past next November.

Whether or not he does – and not to put words in his mouth, but I have heard from many informed folks who say he isn’t going to – there will almost certainly be a crowded field for this race in ’08 (at least partially comprised of the other applicants).

In any event, anearly front-runner has to be Mark Kirk,… Read More

BREAKING: Former Flashreport Correspondent Brad Mitzelfelt Newest San Bernardino County Supervisor

BREAKING: Former Flashreport Correspondent Brad Mitzelfelt Newest San Bernardino County Supervisor

BREAKING: Live from San Bernardino County’s Government Center: Brad Mitzelfelt, who recently served as the Flashreport’s San Bernardino County correspondent, has been approved by the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors to replace departed incumbent Bill Postmus, who moved up to countywide office. Supervisor Mitzelflet will take office immediately and he has promised to become a strong advocate for his First District constituents. Mitzelfelt’s background includes his service to the nation as a United States Marine combat veteran who served in Operation Desert Storm. Supervisor Mitzelfelt had been former Supervisor Bill Postmus’ Chief –of –Staff, where he had been integral in developing many pro-business and pro-taxpayer county policies. Supervisor Mitzelfelt’s comments upon receiving the appointment are as follows: “Today marks a new chapter in my public service to the constituents of the First District, but my level… Read More

High expectations

The Orange County Board of Supervisors is solidly in the hands of a conservative majority and there is a vacancy that will be filled by Special Election on Feb. 6. But regardless of that outcome the next two years should be filled with votes that broadly shrink the size of county government and put the county’s future financial health back on track by reforming pension and health care benefits for county employees.

Each of the present supervisors has conservative credentials:

Chairman Chris Norby is a nationally known leader on the issue of redevelopment reform; vice chairman Moorlach not only predicted the county’s bankruptcy but more importantly lead the county’s investments as Treasurer and conservative Tax Collector for over a decade; Pat Bates had a solid voting record in the State Assembly and never wavered on her principles in face of a massive assault by her campaign opponent who seemingly sold out to every special interest there is; and Bill Campbell built a remarkably successful business before serving in the State Assembly and now on the Board and knows the meaning of paying wages and how harmful the actions of government can be on… Read More

Mike Spence

We all pay the hidden minimum wage tax

Friday Night is Date Night in the Spence household. My wife and I try to go out every Friday– with out the kids of course. This Friday found us at the Edwards Cinema in West Covina. We bought tickets for Pursuit of Happiness (BTW: Viewing it should be part of welfare reform.)

As we were waiting for the movie to start,my wife for some reason though that the newly advertised five dollar taquitos were a "must have".

As I’m waiting in line, I overhear this conservation between two employees.

One of the employees tells the other that the medium (for some item I couldn’t hear) went up 50 cents. The other employee says something like "Why did they do that?" The first employee Says and I quote. "Because you got a raise on the first, stupid."

See the price went up because the minimum wage increase needed to paid for by somebody. The first employee understood that, the second will probably be a legislator or worse a Governor.

And worse still they were out of taquitos.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Cal-Tax’s McCarthy: Two Views on Budget “Cuts”

Larry McCarthy is the President of the California Taxpayers Association, and he has penned some thoughts that are pertinent with the Governor announcing his 2007-08 state budget today…

Budget “Cuts:” The Sacramento View and Taxpayer Perspective Note: With today’s release of the 2007-08 state budget proposal, the California Taxpayers’ Association anticipates the usual howls of protest from the spending lobby against what they call budget “cuts.” In the commentary that follows, Cal-Tax President Larry McCarthy presents a taxpayers-voters’ concept of state spending and why those who demand more spending often confuse the term “cut” with proposals that actually would spend as much or more than the current year.

What is a state budget cut?Read More