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Jill Buck

The Porn Studio Next Door

Living in the Bay Area makes picking up your newspaper from the driveway such an adventure every morning. It’s truly the Forest Gump of it all…life (in the Bay Area) is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re going to get.

Today we learned the state Armory in the Mission District of San Francisco, located in the middle of a working class neighborhood, is the new home of a porn studio. The deal to purchase the Armory was played on the down low to avoid the same public raucous that ensued when low income housing advocates fought to kill a deal that would have converted the historic building into office space. I know, I know…people going in and out of that building with briefcases making an honest living is SOOOO much more offensive than people showing up for work, ready to make the sequel to the studio’s smash hits, “Men in Pain” and “Hogtied.”

Mayor Newsom said of the new porn studio, “While not wanting to be prudish, the fact that will be located in the proximity to a number of schools give us pause.” This isn’t the time to… Read More

Choosing Your Commissioners

Any commis

Virtually city council and county board of supervisors in California establish and appoint commissions that advise them on issues like planning and traffic and housing and parks. In some cases, such as with most planning commissions, they hold statutory powers to approve things like conditional use permits.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Today’s Commentary: State Retirement Investments Tied to Iran…$24 BILLION!

Assemblyman Joel Anderson introduced legislation earlier this week to divest the Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) and State Teachers Retirement System (CalSTRS) of investments in Iranian-connected businesses, appropriately questioning whypublic funds should support terrorist states (read the original FR post and Joel’s SDUT op-ed).

At the time, not even he likely comprehended the amount of monies invested, as research was still being conducted to determine the total. Granted, California may have the best-funded retirement system in the world, but the answer is still unbelievable.

According to Conflict Securities Advisory Group (CSAG), a Washington, DC-based research and consulting firm that specializes in corporate ties to Iran and other security concerns, CalPERS is invested in 152 companies with ties to Iran with investments that total some $14 billion. CSAG further identifies 69 of these companies,… Read More

Barry Jantz

State Retirement Investments Tied to Iran…$24 BILLION!

Assemblyman Joel Anderson introduced legislation earlier this week to divest the Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) and State Teachers Retirement System (CalSTRS) of investments in Iranian-connected businesses, appropriately questioning whypublic funds should support terrorist states (read the original FR post and Joel’s SDUT op-ed).

At the time, not even he likely comprehended the amount of monies invested, as research was still being conducted to determine the total. Granted, California may have the best-funded retirement system in the world, but the answer is still unbelievable.

According to Conflict Securities Advisory Group (CSAG), a Washington, DC-based research and consulting firm that specializes in corporate ties to Iran and other security concerns, CalPERS is invested in 152 companies with ties to Iran with investments that total some $14 billion. CSAG further identifies 69 of these companies,… Read More

Carl Fogliani

McNerney Shows Weakness in First FEC Report

With the year-end campaign finance numbers in, it is apparent that Jerry McNerney is going to be a major drain on the DCCC to keep the 11th district in play in 2008. Despite two fundraisers that the McNerney campaign promoted by sending out on his Christmas cards (not kidding and they actually sent one to Assemblyman Greg Aghazarian’s office), McNerney managed to limp into the new year with $42,357.50 in the bank to go with still unpaid debt of $124,108.49.

McNerney is now going to have to raise money to pay for a political operation while he tries to keep up with the pace of being a new member of Congress with no political experience. Add to that the responsibilities of needing to spend time getting around the district to continue to underwhelm his new constituents in a Republican district and it doesn’t leave much room for error. If McNerney doesn’t pick up his fundraising in the March report he might end up with an even higher spot on the political "Endangered Species List."… Read More

Favorite Racist Remarks

Senator Joe Biden made a really stupid and seemingly racist comment that is running in the Feb. 5, 2007 The New York Observer about Senate colleague Barack Obama. He said. “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

I take issue with the "mainstream" part of his comment as much as the "clean" part. Some people would argue that it is just ‘old out-of-touch white man speak’ rather than racist. Maybe, but either way it’s pretty bad.

It did however remind me of some of my other favorite racist rants. Here are a few, two were said while on California soil:

Back in July 2004 then-Education Secretary Richard Riordan told a little girl at a Santa Barbara library reading program that her name, Isis, "means stupid, dirty girl." After she asked him if he knew what it… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Sanchez And Baca In A Whorific Dustup

This should be amusing to many a Southern California Republican. According to The Politico, Orange County’s lone Democrat Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, she who is oh-so-fond of cats (what’s with these Democrat women and their cats), has quit the Congressional Hispanic Caucus because Congressman Joe Baca, also a Democrat, called her a "whore".

Here’s an exerpt of the piece (now linked via Drudge):

Rep. Loretta Sanchez has quit the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, accusingthechairman, Rep. Joe Baca, of telling people she’s a "whore."

Baca denied the charge.

In an interview with The Politico Wednesday, Sanchez, a California Democrat as is Baca, also cited concerns about whether Baca was… Read More

Brandon Powers

Michelle Steel Puts Together A Great Team

In Ronald Reagan’s White House, there was an adage that “Personnel is Policy.” That those who are in the room to make the recommendations do matter.

So, it is always good to see when elected officials’ offices are filled with good people. Michelle Steel’s is one that certainly meets that standard.

Erik Caldwell comes to Michelle’s office as her Chief of Staff/Chief Deputy/Whatever they call it in the BOE from being President of the San Diego Young Republicans and once upon a time as President of the statewide College Republicans.

Ken Maddox is Michelle’s Director of Legislative Affairs. Ken is a former Army Officer, former Assemblyman, and former CRA-backed candidate for State Senate. In addition, and more near and dear to me, Ken is a former member of California YAF.

John Hrabe is Michelle’s Communications Director. John also is an established activist, currently serving as Executive Director for YRFC. Before he moved down to LA to work for Michelle, when he used to spend his days working in the Capitol for… Read More