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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Barbara Alby: Caveat Emptor when deciding to change the State GOP rules to allow DTS voters to select CRP delegates to the National Convention!

Barbara Alby has been the elected Republican National Committeewoman from California since 1996, and she penned this important perspective piece. It shares her take on this notion that non-Republicans should be included in the upcoming Republican Presidential primary in California…


Here we go again: another scheme to save us. Should we risk changing our CRP Rules to allow the Decline to State (DTS) voter to help rule us? This is one of those times when I can’t help but jump in on the debate.

Some are suggesting that there may still be time to change the CRP Rules to allow DTS voters to “help us” select our California delegates to the next Republican National Convention. To comply safely with the RNC Rules, we would need to make thatRead More

Jon Fleischman

Barbara Alby: Caveat Emptor when deciding to change the State GOP rules to allow DTS voters to select CRP delegates to the National Convention!

Barbara Alby has been the elected Republican National Committeewoman from California since 1996, and she penned this important perspective piece. It shares her take on this notion that non-Republicans should be included in the upcoming Republican Presidential primary in California… CAVEAT EMPTOR WHEN DECIDING TO CHANGE THE RULES TO ALLOW DTS VOTERS TO SELECT CRP DELEGATES TO THE NATIONAL CONVENTION! Here we go again: another scheme to save us. Should we risk changing our CRP Rules to allow the Decline to State (DTS) voter to help rule us? This is one of those times when I can’t help but jump in on the debate.Read More

Ethincs are priceless or cost around $200,000

For some people in Orange County politics and government, a call from Shirley Grindle would give them the chills. She is a so-called watch-dog.

Rumored to have 3×5 index cards tracking every donor and candidate running for county office and mayor/city council in several major cities, Grindle makes it a practice of calling candidates and their treasurers on minor violations and omissions on campaign filings.

To the rest of us, she mostly is just a nuisance having authored the ordinance that restricts contributions to county office seekers to $1600 per family (which should be thrown out by a court) and limiting transfers of funds into OC candidates’ political accounts from other committees, among other things.

But if she were to get her way on her latest proposal–to create a NEW county ethics commission, it would cost upward of $200,000 and such a bureaucracy would certainly grow in purview and cost.

Her original proposal would have had the new commission looking into just about everything. After being rebuffed she is now proposing just to oversee campaign finance. She says she wants to… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

New Blog & A New Fiscal Agenda

New Blog: I know my loyal readers here on the Flash Report will be interested to know that I have a new blog on known as the Green Eyeshade Blog. In my new role as chair of the Budget and Spending Taskforce for the RSC I will be posting a lot of information about fiscal matters before Congress on that blog. I’ll still be posting here on the FlashReport about many other issues and things related to California politics.

American Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights: In 34 of the last 38 years, the federal government has spent more money than it received in taxes. That’s through congresses controlled by both parties and presidents of both parties and every combination thereof. When the budget of 2008 is written, it will be 35 out of 39 years. Spending has run amok on every front – entitlements, earmarks, everything. In spite of the tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, revenue to the federal government constitutes about the same percentage of the economy as it has since 1960. I’ve told you before that the majority… Read More

Duane Dichiara

The Star Chamber

The San Diego Ethics Commission has come to conclude they can over-rule the First Amendment…calling the ACLU!

(I read this first on

Rules push candidates into the woodwork San Diego Union Tribune Monday, March 12, 2007 By Logan Jenkins

News bulletin:


The seats for council Districts 1, 3, 5 and 7 will open up wide in 2008, thanks to term limits, but not one early riser is out on the hustings hustling love or money, the mother’s milk of political ambition.

How does one account for this remarkable restraint?

In a word, ECCO.

OK, it’s not a word. It’s an acronym, not to be confused with eco-cool Danish footwear.

In the legalistic view of the Election Campaign Control Ordinance – approved by the San Diego City Council in late 2005; fine-tuned and enforced by the city’s Ethics Commission – a candidate is not a real candidate until the moment he/she receives or spends campaign funds.

Because ECCO strictly prohibits candidates… Read More

Mike Spence

Mandatory HPV Vaccine Put On Hold by Author

That is the headline from the alert I received from the Capitol Resource Institute. I have to admit, I’m surprised that there was a bump in this bill. I figured the Dems would pass it on and of course our Dudley Do-Gooder of a Governor would feel he knew better than parents what was good for everyone and of course make Merck lots of money. You can see the blow by blow here.

Kudos to GOPer’s Strickland, Huff and Gaines… Read More

Mike Spence

Still One Vote in Signal Hill

After the recount, the margin that elected the Mayor is ONE vote. Don’t worry there will be a recount and if the Orange County folks involved in the Nguyen race get involved, who knows. See article here.See Previous FR Story here.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: My Evening With John McCain

Last evening, United States Senator John McCain raised over a half a million dollars at a fundraising event at the Irvine Hyatt Hotel in Orange County. I was invited by the McCain campaign to attend not only the reception, but also an exclusive round-table discussion that took place beforehand. As a Vice Chairman of the California Republican Party, I am officially neutral in the Presidential primary, but was very pleased to accept the generous invitation of the McCain Campaign. Even better, I got an ‘okay’ to bring along the new digital camcorder that I just purchased!

The event, which probably had about 200 or so people at it, was organized by some of Orange Counties heaviest hitters — former U.S. Ambassador to Spain George Argyros, Irvine Company owner Don Bren (who, according to Forbes, is the 80th richest person in the world), renowned developer General William Lyon, and former Secretary of State Bill Jones. Introducing Senator McCain was the Irvine Company’s Dan Young, who filled in for Don Bren, who attended but was sidelined with a bad case of laryngitis. After McCain’s speech, he was followed by fundraising guru Gary Hunt.… Read More