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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego

Hunter vs. Reid… The FlashReport had the Washington Times article yesterday on Duncan Hunter’s call for Harry Reid’s resignation, but I thought you might be interested in the full text of the Hunter release. I love "your-my-friend-but-your-also-an-idiot" political statements, and Hunter pulls it off with aplomb:

Hunter Calls on Senator Reid to Step Down as Senate Majority Leader

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Armed Services Committee Ranking Republican Duncan Hunter (R-CA) today called for Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) to resign as Majority Leader following his controversial comments stating that the war in Iraq "is lost."

"In commenting on ongoing operations in Iraq, you recently stated that ‘this war is lost.’ This unfortunate statement is both inaccurate and damaging," opened Hunter in a letter to Reid.

"It can have no effect but to demoralize the brave men and women, who are honorably fulfilling their mission in Iraq, andRead More

Jon Fleischman

Budgets will be bad as long as GOP will vote for borrowing…

I’m still reflecting back on last week’s Prison "Deal" and the fact that it included over six BILLION dollars in additional indebtedness for California taxpayers. Especially heinous about this mega-debt is that it has been completely authorized by Sacramento politicians and apparently requires no vote of the people. Why wouldn’t they bring this amount of prolific spending to the voters? After all, lately, the electorate has been pretty accepting of big borrowing — having approved all of the Governor’s "big bang bonds" package last year. I am not an expert on intricate and arcane state laws when it comes to borrowing, but I can tell you that using "lease revenue bonds" just smells awful. The name implies that the bonds are issued against specific revenue returns from leasing the property that is built. But who leases state prisons? It’s the state, right? So if the state is responsible for paying itself for these bonds, I don’t see how that is any different from general obligation bonds. Clearly politicians will come up with any way to increase government spending,… Read More

A Pander Bear Visits the CDP Convention

Good work by the California College Republicans over the weekend — one of their members dressed up as the Pander Bear to protest the California Democratic Convention over the weekend. You can read the story and watch the clip from CBS8 here. I love the part where the Edwards supporters take a photo with the Bear.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Passing Thoughts

The FR would like to point out that Sacramento Democrats are extremely consistent. They are willing to work with the Governor and Republican legislators on any project or program as long as it contains one of the following mandatory requirements: a tax increase, borrowing money, or increasing fees. Oh yes, they will also embrace projects that including increasing regulation or adding mandates to the lives of Californians or their businesses. As everyone trumpets the successful ‘solution’ to the prison overcrowding problem, let’s be real. It was a bitter-sweet victory for GOPers who didn’t want early releases of inmates being ordered by a Judge. Yes, there will be more prisons. But if Republicans had their way, this would have been paid for with general fund dollars. Instead, California taxpayers are going to debtors prison – again. We would like to give a h/t to State Democrats for hosting such a blogger-friendly state convention. From our discussions with lefty bloggers (with whom we disagree on virtually everything), there is clearly an effort being made to reach out and really integrate them into the event, and… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Passing Thoughts

The FR would like to point out that Sacramento Democrats are extremely consistent. They are willing to work with the Governor and Republican legislators on any project or program as long as it contains one of the following mandatory requirements: a tax increase, borrowing money, or increasing fees. Oh yes, they will also embrace projects that including increasing regulation or adding mandates to the lives of Californians or their businesses. As everyone trumpets the successful ‘solution’ to the prison overcrowding problem, let’s be real. It was a bitter-sweet victory for GOPers who didn’t want early releases of inmates being ordered by a Judge. Yes, there will be more prisons. But if Republicans had their way, this would have been paid for with general fund dollars. Instead, California taxpayers are going to debtors prison – again. We would like to give a h/t to State Democrats for hosting such a blogger-friendly state convention. From our discussions with lefty bloggers (with whom we disagree on virtually everything), there is clearly an effort being made to reach out and really integrate them into the event, and… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Coming to Your Block: Sober Living Homes!

Well, I take it from Mr. Fleischman’s ongoing posts on the topic of Senator Harman’s SB 1000, a that ended its life in committee recently, that he is itching for a debate on the topic. I somehow think that Jon would be less zealous in his position if it were his property value being quashed, but all the same here we go…

Many inaccuracies concerning sober living homes (SLH’s) come from the misconception that a SLH is anything with six beds or under. This is not the case. A SLH has nothing to do with the number of beds but rather with the services offered. A SLH is a SLH if it has 10 people in it – not just “six and under.”

By way of explanation, there are three types of facilities: treatment, maintenance and sober living homes. Treatment and maintenance facilities offer detoxification, educational counseling, individual or group counseling sessions and treatment or recovery planning. These facilities, unlike SLH’s, are authorized to receive public funds. A SLH offers none of these services and are basically the “last stop” before a person who has gone through successful treatment and maintenance successfully… Read More

Mike Spence

God Must be a Democrat.

Imagine Ron Nehring standing up at a CRP Convention and giving an award to some Evangelical denomination for their service to the community. Howls of protests would ensue. Today the Democratic Party in San Diego will give the first annualFather Robert Drinan Award for Social Justice to the California Council of Churches and their public policy arm CA Church Impact. The CA Council of Churches claim to represent over 1.5 million churchgoers in the state. Don’t get me wrong the Council is very deserving of such an award. They believe in fighting for people to be dishonest and come here illegally. They are for confiscating money from working people and giving to people they have judged worthy and they oppose any attempt to save lives and preserve freedom through armed conflict or use of weapons. The point is that The GOP … Read More

James V. Lacy

“Right-wing” Communists?

I am catching-up on my reading this morning and just read the story from Tuesday’s New York Times covering the life of Boris Yeltsin, the first democratically-elected President of Russia. One of the high points in Yeltsin’s life was helping to turn-back a USSR Communist Central Committee plot to overthough Mikhail Gorbachev, and the Times ran a big five column landscape picture of Yeltsin atop one of the tanks sent by the Communists, imploring the people against the "coup."

But the Times refers to the "coup" as a "right-wing coup." Twice. In a summary of events it refers to it as a "hard-line coup," which is way more accurate. The "coup" was hardly right-wing — it was being carried out by the most Communist of Communist leaders in the Soviet Union, whom Gorbachev was pushing away from. If anything, it was a "left-wing coup!"

I’ve seen the MSM use this "right-wing coup" language before in reference to what are really communists. Are any folks out there as irked as I am about this confusion of symbolism, and do… Read More