Sunday, March 20, 2016
Steve Greenhut
OCReg: Anti-party law turns innocent kids into criminals
US Senate 2016
LAT $: Don't expect populist rhetoric in low-key California Senate race
Apple vs. FBI
SJMN: Apple's showdown with FBI reaches crucial stage
OC Register Ownership
OCReg: Freedom supports Digital First Media bid for ownership of Orange County Register, Press-Enterprise -
Sexual Harassment at Berkeley
SFC: Cal under fire for arbitrary discipline in sex harassment cases
Coding in School
SacBee: Coding courses a rarity in California high schools despite tech explosion -
Pot Finances
OCReg: With banks out of reach, entrepreneurs get creative to take cash out of the marijuana industry
CRA Convention Coverage
Live from CRA Endorsing Convention -
White House 2016
LAT $: Candidates are gone but not forgotten on California's presidential primary ballot
Dan Walters
SacBee: Dan Walters: Expensive measures are on tap for California ballot -
Sacramento Valley
SacBee: Sacramento County supervisors to examine elections office -
SF Bay Area
SFC: BART chased fancy projects as its system decayed
- SFC: Mayor’s approval ratings plummet as voter discontent grows
South Bay
SJMN: Highway 17 crashes hit a 10-year high; more cellphone use a factor -
Central Valley
FresBee: Medical Board puts Fresno doctor on probation for faking wife’s death -
Ventura County
VCStar $: County reaches pay agreement with nurses -
Los Angeles County
LAT $: Santa Monica firm says it has found a way to salt away electricity, literally -
Orange County
OCReg: Unfunded liabilities scorching OCFA ledgers
Riverside County
PE: RIVERSIDE: Changes, deficit loom at City Hall -
San Bernardino County
SBSun: High Desert Mavericks owner says eviction is baseless, violates current contract