Saturday, January 30, 2016
*FR Publisher Jon Fleischman's Commentary*
Scott Baugh is NOT running against Dana Rohrabacher, but is raising funds to succeed him
- OCReg: Former O.C. GOP chair Scott Baugh files to run for Rep. Dana Rohrabacher's seat in Congress
Flash Report: 1
Union: 0
VOC: Deputies’ Union Fails in Effort to Block Release of Negotiation Records
SEIU for Asm. Eric Linder
SacBee: SEIU California announces legislative endorsements, including a Republican
Statewide Manhunt
OCReg: O.C. jail escape: One down, two to go as manhunt moves north
- FresBee: From Clovis West to jailbreak: Hossein Nayeri’s tortured path to most-wanted fugitive
- SJMN: Orange County fugitives believed to be in San Jose
- LAT $: ESL teacher may have played a 'significant role' in helping 3 O.C. inmates escape
Totalitarian Facebook
BreitbartCA: Facebook, Instagram Bar Private Citizens from Advertising Gun Sales
Brown's Parole Initiative
SacBee: How Jerry Brown’s parole initiative came together -
Under the Dome
- SacBee: California lawmaker seeks ‘all-gender’ restrooms in public
- CPUC reform bills are passing again
Save Nuclear Power!
SFC: Environmentalists rally to save state’s last nuclear plant
The Golden Pen
OC Register Editorial
OCReg: Rare win for taxpayers on contract negotiations
Debra Saunders
SFC: : Criminal justice reformer Sen. Ted Cruz and brutalist Mr. Hyde -
Dan Walters
Dan Walters: AG Harris ducks sports gambling issue -
Steven Greenhut
SDUT: Brown spends capital on justice reform
SF Bay Area
SFC: D.A.: Mayor, police chief not cooperating - SFC: S.F. prosecutor moves to keep evidence secret in bribery case
Los Angeles County
LAT $: No, the gas leak hasn't turned Porter Ranch into a ghost town -
Orange County
LAT $: Black Student Union urges UC Irvine to dismantle its police department - VOC: Transportation Authority Will Likely Seek Refunds for Santa Ana’s Senior Junkets
San Diego County
DA probes Escondido trustee’s residency