Saturday, January 16, 2016
*Steven Greenhut*
SDUT: Powerball frenzy distracts from real economic issues
Debra Saunders
Trump and Cruz dominate GOP debate
LAT $: The NFL in L.A.: Inside the long con
Campaign 2016: Steyer's Money
SacBee: Tom Steyer, billionaire environmentalist, to help advance Latino candidates
Under the Dome
SacBee: New lawsuit targets California state tax building, officials - VOSD: Sacramento Report: Joel Anderson, Undercover Feminist
- SacBee: Rare murmurs about veto overrides in California Assembly
Big Data Centers
SacBee: CalPERS, CalSTRS invest in data centers
Space X
LAT $: Can SpaceX land a rocket on a barge off California? -
High Speed Boondoggle
Coastal Property Rights
LAT $: California coastal property owners face new fees on sea walls -
Pot Tax
OCReg: O.C. Watchdog: There's a pot of gold in legalized pot - about $1 billion in taxes for California
The Golden Pen
George Will
George W. Will: Rubio’s record of misjudgment
OC Register Editorial
OCReg: Californians must not lose sight of deficits -
SF Bay Area
S.F. budget analyst says city got poor financial deal on Super Bowl
- SJMN: Bay Area police use new technologies to battle crime
Central Valley
FresBee: Public outcry and pressing questions follow Yosemite name changes - BreitbartCA: UNDERGROUND GUN RANGE IN FRESNO
Los Angeles County
LAT $: Regulators fear attempts to burn off leaking gas near Porter Ranch could lead to explosion - LAT $: Judge orders MWD to release data on recipients of turf replacement rebates
San Bernardino County
SBSun: San Bernardino judge denies defense motion to dismiss Colonies indictment -
Riverside County
PE: REGION: Cities still pursuing own police force -
San Diego County
Gov. Brown denies parole for SD officer’s killer - SD OK with dual-track Chargers talks